Claremont Avenue


Woking, Surrey

Local Authority:
Woking Borough Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for erection of a part four storey, part three storey building, including accommodation in the roof space, comprising 9x self-contained flats and associated access, parking, landscaping, bin and cycle storage following demolition of existing building.

Warner Planning submitted a planning application to Woking Borough Council to demolish an existing two storey detached building in Woking with previous Class E use and erect a part four-storey, part three-storey residential building comprising of nine self-contained flats.

Warner Planning worked collaboratively with the Council to overcome the key challenges relating to a Tree Preservation Order, and the change of use. Both the principle of residential development and the replacement of trees on site were considered acceptable.

The application was recommended for approval by Officers and was presented and debated at the Planning Committee in where it was approved by Members of Committee in January 2022 subject to a Section 106 agreement