Bricket Wood, St Albans
A planning application submitted for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of two, three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with associated parking and a new crossover.
A planning application submitted for the demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of two, three bedroom semi-detached dwellings with associated parking and a new crossover.
A retrospective planning application submitted for works to the building and site, to reduce the level of the pub garden, reduction of hard surfacing, installation of gravel area for external seating, replacement of signage, upgraded boundary wall and railings, replacement cladding to rear extension, replacement windows (like for like replacements), removal of a porch and raising entrance to allow more logical use for the front seating area.
A successful planning application for the change of use from Children’s Indoor Play Area to a Gym
Planning permission was granted to demolish some of the existing buildings on this former farmstead and erect a new office hub, as well as to extend and alter an existing building, converting it into an office space, cafe and function room.
A planning application submitted to demolish the existing buildings and erect an 85 bed care home with associated car parking, bin store and landscaping
A planning application submitted by Warner Planning for the erection of a yoga tent for a temporary period of two years.