Rose and Crown Pub
A planning application submitted for the demolition of the rear elements of the public house, and the erection of three-3 bed houses with associated parking and landscaping.
A planning application submitted for the demolition of the rear elements of the public house, and the erection of three-3 bed houses with associated parking and landscaping.
A planning application submitted for a three-storey rear extension to enable an internal reconfiguration of 7 existing one-bed flats to create 4 two-bed and 5 one bed flats for a total of 13 bedrooms on a period property within the Conservation Area.
A planning application submitted for the Proposed erection of a new 4-storey building with mansard roof forming 49no. Extra Care apartments (C2 Use Class) for older persons with associated communal facilities, parking and hard and soft landscaping following demolition of existing Locally Listed building.
A planning application submitted for erection of a part four storey, part three storey building, including accommodation in the roof space, comprising 9x self-contained flats and associated access, parking, landscaping, bin and cycle storage following demolition of existing building.
A Planning application submitted for the redevelopment of a brownfield site, within a conservation area for 228 dwellings.
A planning application to construct two detached dwellings with integral garages, surface car parking and gardens, on a vacant parcel of land at The Ridings residential development at Patchetts Green