Appeal Residential

Viners Close, Walton-on-Thames

Case Studies

Residential Appeal



Local Authority:

Elmbridge Borough Council

Project Overview

A successful appeal against a refusal to grant permission for a two-storey side extension and alterations to fenestration following demolition of existing porch.

Warner Planning were appointed to submit an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against the decision to refuse planning permission to extend this end terrace property in Walton-on-Thames.

The main reason for refusal was the potential effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area. This view was challenged by Warner Planning through the appeal submission, and the Inspector was in agreement that the design would not appear incongruous or dominant within the street scene, nor would the proposals have a harmful or adverse impact on the character and appearance of the existing dwelling or surrounding and was therefore policy compliant.

The appeal was allowed and planning consent was granted by the Planning Inspectorate.

Photo: Zoopla

Drawing: Scroxton & Partners


Ineos Dealership, Chiswick

Case Studies


Chiswick, West London

Local Authority:
London Borough of Hounslow

Project Overview

Following a previous refusal on the site, Warner Planning positively engaged with the London Borough of Hounslow Council to address the previous reason for refusal and submit a new planning application to extend and reconfigure this commercial car dealership in Chiswick, West London.

The perceived harm to the character and appearance of the area, which was raised on the previous refusal, was overcome through planning conditions for the construction materials and the type of windows and doors that could be used, as well as restricting any additional doors or windows on the infill extension.

The application was approved through a delegated decision by the London Borough of Hounslow Council 

Images courtesy of CMI Architecture Ltd


Greenfield Avenue, Watford

Case Studies




Local Authority:

Three Rivers District Council

Project Overview

A planning application approved for demolition of the existing garage and construction of a single storey detached bungalow with associated access, parking, and landscaping works.

Following previous refusals on the site, Warner Planning positively engaged with Three Rivers Council to submit a revised planning application which responded to the previous reasons for refusal to demolish an existing garage and construct a single storey detached bungalow in Watford.

The revised plans consisted of a single dwelling with increased parking and amenity space as well as changes to the design to better assimilate the dwelling into the streetscape.

The application was approved subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement

Images courtesy of Studio CC


Clifton Nurseries, Surrey

Case Studies



Addlestone, Surrey

Local Authority:

Runnymede Borough Council

Project Overview

A successful planning application for the erection of 74 residential dwellings with associated parking, landscaping, and drainage features following the demolition of garden centre buildings

Following Pre-Applications for the site whereby Warner Planning positively engaged with Runnymede Borough Council to agree the preferred type of development and the proposed layout for this brownfield site; a full application was submitted by Warner Planning to demolish the existing garden centre buildings and erect 74 residential dwellings, including affordable dwellings, with associated parking, landscaping and drainage.

As the site lies within the Green Belt, its previously developed nature allowed for redevelopment in accordance with the NPPF and the new residential dwellings would make a significant contribution to the identified need for affordable housing within Runnymede.

Key challenges relating to the design of the site and access to sustainable travel were all overcome through collaborative working with the council and the addition of a new pedestrian crossing, widening of the existing footway to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists as well as provision of a new bus stop and improvements to the existing bus stops. Every dwelling will also be fitted with an EV charging point.

The application was presented at Planning Committee by Warner Planning where it was unanimously approved, subject to conditions and a S106 agreement.

Images courtesy of Condy Lofthouse Architects


Robin Close, Buckingham

Case Studies




Local Authority:

Buckinghamshire Council (Aylesbury Vale)

Project Overview

A planning application approved for a single storey front extension on a residential property

Warner Planning successfully achieved planning permission to extend a detached residential property situated in Buckingham.

The plans were deemed to be proportionate and in-keeping with the existing property, not affect the privacy or light levels of adjoining properties and not be overbearing in appearance which are all key considerations for householder applications. Furthermore, there were no objections received against the application.

The potential impact of the proposed extension on the cherry tree to the front of the exiting dwelling was considered by planning officers to not be significant.

The application was approved by Buckinghamshire Council in August 2024

Drawing courtesy of Maling and Associates, Buckingham


Turners Hill Care Home, Cheshunt

Case Studies


Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

Local Authority:
Borough of Broxbourne

Project Overview

A planning application approved for the demolition of existing buildings and construction of a new three storey 80 bed care home for the elderly (Use Class C2) with associated car parking bin storage and landscaping

Following a Pre-Application on the site, Warner Planning positively engaged with the Borough of Broxbourne council to submit a planning application to demolish the existing commercial buildings on this site in Cheshunt and build a high-quality design, 80-bed care home which would help meet the identified local need for residential care for the elderly.

As a previously developed site, the principle of redevelopment is in accordance with the NPPF and overall local plan policies and it offered a significant opportunity to enhance the site and the local area.

The generation of 78 new full time employment positions resulted in a net gain of 56 full time positions which accorded with the local plan.

Engagement with the council throughout the application process enabled amendments to the design of the building, in particular the height and overall scale of the front elevation and the final proposed design was considered acceptable.

The site was deemed to be sustainable, would result in a biodiversity net gain, would provide en-suite rooms which exceed the DoH space guidance and not impact the amenity of neighbouring properties.

The application was presented by Warner Planning at planning committee and was approved subject to conditions. The project is scheduled for opening in Summer 2026.

Images courtesy of Condy Lofthouse Architects


St Albans, Hertfordshire

Case Studies



St Albans, Hertfordshire 

Local Authority:

St Albans City and District Council

Project Overview

An approved planning application for the demolition of the existing bungalow and construction of a new single storey dwelling and three further two storey dwellings on land to the rear.

Warner Planning positively engaged with St Albans City and District Council to submit a planning application to demolish an existing bungalow in St Albans and construct a new single storey dwelling and three further 2 storey dwellings to the rear of the site.

Amended plans were submitted following feedback from the council.

Concerns relating to perceived overdevelopment of the site, loss of green space and the proposals being inconsistent with the Neighbourhood Plan were received and the application was taken to the Development Management Committee in September 2024.

The council was unable to demonstrate a 4-year housing land supply which carried significant weight as a material consideration and the planning officer deemed there to be no identified adverse impacts that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing housing within an urban area such as this.

The application was recommended for approval and permission was granted at committee subject to conditions.

Images courtesy of CMI Studios

Change of Use Residential

Buckden, Huntingdonshire

Case Studies

Commercial to Residential

Buckden, Huntingdonshire

Project Overview

A planning application approved for change of use of a former Canine Hydrotherapy Pool to a residential dwelling

Warner Planning positively engaged with the Council to submit a planning application for change of use of a vacant former commercial property situated in rural Huntingdonshire to a residential property by means of altering the internal floor plan.

The principle of development was acceptable as it would re-use a redundant or disused building and enhance it’s immediate setting as per paragraph 80 of the NPPF. The council also agreed with the benefit of a reduction of vehicle movements on the site.

The application was approved in October 2023

Images courtesy of Optimis Consulting 

Care Council Engagement

Bottesford, Leicestershire

Case Studies



Bottesford, Leicestershire

Local Authority:

Melton Borough Council 

Project Overview

Proposed 76-Bed Care Home in Bottesford, Leicestershire

Following a Pre-Application on this site, Warner Planning positively engaged with Bottesford Parish Council to discuss the potential redevelopment of a residential site in Bottesford, Leicestershire to build a 76-bed care home.

Warner Planning also brought forward the site to the council as available and immediately deliverable in the context of the emerging local plan.

We will provide further information as the project develops.

Images courtesy of Illustrate Architects


Parsons Green, London

Case Studies



Parsons Green, London

Local Authority:

Hammersmith and Fulham

Project Overview

Planning applications were submitted for the erection of a single storey rear extension following the demolition of existing ground floor back addition, and the erection of a side roof extension to form a hip to gable roof and the erection of an enlarged dormer window to replace existing, in the rear roof slope.

Following previous refusals for the site, Warner Planning positively engaged with Hammersmith and Fulham Council through the Pre-Application process to successfully achieve full planning permission to extend this residential property situated within the Hurlingham conservation area in Parsons Green, London.

Key challenges relating to visual amenity and possible harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area were all overcome through collaborative working with the council.

Images courtesy of MEW Architects