St Albans, Hertfordshire



St Albans, Hertfordshire 

Local Authority:

St Albans City and District Council

Project Overview

An approved planning application for the demolition of the existing bungalow and construction of a new single storey dwelling and three further two storey dwellings on land to the rear.

Warner Planning positively engaged with St Albans City and District Council to submit a planning application to demolish an existing bungalow in St Albans and construct a new single storey dwelling and three further 2 storey dwellings to the rear of the site.

Amended plans were submitted following feedback from the council.

Concerns relating to perceived overdevelopment of the site, loss of green space and the proposals being inconsistent with the Neighbourhood Plan were received and the application was taken to the Development Management Committee in September 2024.

The council was unable to demonstrate a 4-year housing land supply which carried significant weight as a material consideration and the planning officer deemed there to be no identified adverse impacts that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of providing housing within an urban area such as this.

The application was recommended for approval and permission was granted at committee subject to conditions.

Images courtesy of CMI Studios