
5-Bedroom Dwelling, Hertfordshire

Case Studies



Project Overview

A successful planning application for the construction of a replacement family dwelling following the demolition of the existing built form.

Warner Planning submitted a full planning application to the Local Planning Authority to demolish the existing dwelling and garage, and construct a new 5-bedroom dwelling with associated garages and swimming pool.

The application faced key heritage and ecology challenges regarding the history of the site and an adjacent nature reserve.

Warner Planning positively engaged with Heritage England and the Council on these matters, which resulted in the application being recommended for approval. The application was later presented by Warner Planning at Planning Committee where full planning permission was granted for this development in 2024.

Image credit: Ascot Design


Bricket Wood, St Albans

Case Studies


St Albans

Local Authority:
St Albans District Council

Project Overview

Warner Planning positively engaged with St Albans City & District Council to submit a planning application to demolish an existing bungalow situated in Brickets Wood in St Albans, Hertfordshire and construct two, three-bedroom semi-detached dwellings.

The replacement dwellings were deemed to result in an acceptable visual impact to the character and appearance of the street scene.

The replacement and addition of a new dwelling was considered to be acceptable in principle and was afforded significant weight in the absence of a 5-year housing land supply.

The application was permitted subject to conditions by St Albans City & District Council.  

Commercial Community & Leisure

The Victoria Pub, Watford

Case Studies

Commercial, Leisure


Local Authority:
Watford Borough Council

Project Overview

A retrospective planning application submitted for external works to the building and site.

Warner Planning positively engaged with Watford Borough Council to submit a retrospective planning application for external works to the building and site of a locally listed Victorian Public House situated within the Oxhey Conservation Area in Watford.

The key considerations related to the scale, design and impact on local character as well as the impact of the improvements on the surrounding properties.

The planning officer stated in their report that “overall all of the works undertaken to the building and gardens have undoubtedly improved the character and appearance of the locally listed building, which was looking tired and unkempt. This enhancement of the historic building has preserved the character and appearance of the conservation area”.

It was also considered that the improvement works would not cause any significant loss of amenity to neighbouring properties and no undue disturbance in terms of noise and the application was duly approved by Watford Borough Council.

Commercial Leisure

Riverside Works, Buckingham

Case Studies

Leisure, Commercial


Local Authority:
Buckinghamshire Council

Project Overview

Warner Planning positively engaged with Buckinghamshire Council to submit a planning application to change the use of a former children’s indoor play area in Buckingham to a gym.

A condition on the previous planning approval meant that planning permission was required for this change of use, even though the two uses now fall under the same use class E.

The plans were overwhelmingly supported by the public and it was considered that this change of use would be a sustainable re-use of a currently vacant building, creating employment opportunities and supporting economic growth and productivity.

The application was considered acceptable by Buckinghamshire Council and was therefore approved subject to conditions.

Photo credit: CrossFit Vastus, Buckingham

Mixed Use

Home Farm, Aldenham Estate

Case Studies

Leisure, Commercial, Business

Elstree, Hertfordshire

Local Authority:
Hertsmere Borough Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted to demolish some of the existing buildings on this former farmstead and erect a new office hub, as well as to extend and alter an existing building, converting it into an office space, cafe and function room.

Warner Planning submitted a planning application to Hertsmere Borough Council to demolish some existing buildings and erect a new office hub, as well as to extend and alter an existing building converting it to an office space, café and function room at a disused farmstead on the Aldenham Estate, situated within the Green Belt in rural Hertfordshire.

The development site sits within the curtilage of a listed building. Therefore, it was an important planning consideration that the proposed works did not negatively impact upon the setting of the listed building. In response to the advice from the Council’s Heritage Adviser the plans were revised. Warner Planning worked in collaboration with the Planning Officer to ensure the revised plans were acceptable and it was deemed that the development would not only preserve but enhance the setting of the listed building.  

The scheme was fully supported by the public consultees and the Committee report considered it to be appropriate development in the Green Belt.

The application was recommended for approval to the Planning Committee where it was resolved that planning permission be granted subject to conditions and a Section 106 planning obligation. 

Image courtesy of: Thomas Croft Architects


Melrose Hall Care Home, Cardiff

Case Studies

Care, Residential

Cardiff, Wales 

Local Authority:
Cardiff Council

Project Overview

A successful planning application to demolish the existing buildings and erect an 85 bed care home with associated car parking, bin store and landscaping (All matters except access reserved).

Warner Planning positively engaged with Cardiff Council to submit a planning application to demolish an office building situated within a residential area in Cardiff and erect an 85 bed care home.

Concerns regarding sustainable access to the site were deemed by the Planning Officer to be achievable through the Reserved Matters submission.

There was also an ecological concern regarding the presence of bat roosts within the existing buildings. This was overcome though incorporating potential new roosting opportunities within the design of the new building, and a planning condition to ensure the preservation of a protected species on the site, consequently there was no objection raised as a result.

The application was recommended for approval and it was subsequently granted permission subject to conditions and a Reserved Matters application.

Images courtesy of: Scroxton and Partner

Community & Leisure

Home Farm Yoga Tent

Case Studies


Elstree, Hertfordshire

Local Authority:
Hertsmere Borough Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted by Warner Planning for the erection of a yoga tent for a temporary period of two years.

Warner Planning submitted a planning application to Hertsmere Borough Council for permission to erect a Yoga Tent for a temporary period of two years at a Glamping site situated within the Green Belt in rural Hertfordshire.

The key challenge was regarding development in the Green Belt, however based on the beneficial evidence submitted by Warner Planning, the Planning Officer deemed that this was a case of very special circumstances, and the benefits of the scheme outweighed any limited harm identified.  

As such the application was approved by Hertsmere Borough Council in May 2021.

In 2023 a subsequent application was submitted by Warner Planning and was again approved by Hertsmere Borough Council to retain the Yoga Tent for a further period of two years.

Photo credit: Home Farm Glamping

Domestic Residential

Brook End, Sandy, Bedfordshire

Case Studies


Sandy, Bedfordshire

Local Authority:
Central Bedfordshire

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for the erection of a two-storey side and a two-storey rear extension including demolition of existing two-storey rear development, and the erection of a detached garage and relocation of the property entrance with the erection of a porch.

After a previous application to demolish and rebuild the property was refused, Warner Planning submitted a new application to extend this Victorian property situated in Sandy, Bedfordshire to both the side and the rear.

Key challenges relating to safeguarding the amenity of adjoining properties, vehicular access, landscaping, controlling the visual amenity of the locality, and proximity to the public highway were all overcome through collaborative working with the council and secured by conditions.

The application was approved in September 2023 by Central Bedfordshire Council.


Rose and Crown Pub

Case Studies


Stone, Buckinghamshire

Local Authority:
Buckinghamshire Council – Aylesbury Vale Area

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for the demolition of the rear elements of the public house, and the erection of three-3 bed houses with associated parking and landscaping.

Warner Planning submitted a planning application to Buckinghamshire Council to demolish the ‘unsympathetic’ rear extensions of the then closed Rose and Crown Public House situated within the Hartwell Conservation Area in Stone, Buckinghamshire and erect Three x 3-bed houses with associated parking and landscaping.

Warner Planning positively and proactively engaged with Buckinghamshire Council and the Heritage Officer to alleviate the key challenges relating to the design and layout of the scheme. The amended design addressed the concerns of the Heritage Officer to provide a development that responded to the character and appearance of more historic properties nearby and would not have any impact on the wider landscape or views of the surrounding countryside.

The application was approved in August 2021


Lillington Avenue

Case Studies


Leamington Spa

Local Authority:
Warwick District Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for a three-storey rear extension to enable an internal reconfiguration of 7 existing one-bed flats to create 4 two-bed and 5 one bed flats for a total of 13 bedrooms on a period property within the Conservation Area.

Warner Planning positively engaged with Warwick District Council responding to feedback received on previously withdrawn applications to submit a revised application to extend this property situated within the Conservation Area in Leamington Spa.

Throughout the determination of the application a number of additional queries were raised by the Council particularly around parking, proposed internal space standards, outlook and finer architectural details.  These key challenges relating to a period property were dealt with sensitively and with regular oversight from the Council. Ultimately the Council were able to offer Officer support for the proposed works and all technical queries and planning matters were all overcome via collaborative working with the Council and particularly through building an excellent working relationship with the Case Officer which was mutually beneficial to both parties.

The application was recommended for approval by Officers and was presented and debated at the Planning Committee in January 2024 where it was approved by Members of Committee.