Care Residential

Former Greenfield School

Case Studies

Care, Residential

Woking, Surrey

Local Authority:
Woking Borough Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for the Proposed erection of a new 4-storey building with mansard roof forming 49no. Extra Care apartments (C2 Use Class) for older persons with associated communal facilities, parking and hard and soft landscaping following demolition of existing Locally Listed building.

Warner Planning positively engaged with the community to submit a planning application to Woking Borough Council to demolish a Locally Listed building in Woking, Surrey and erect a new 4-storey building forming 49 Extra Care apartments for older persons with associated communal facilities, parking and hard and soft landscaping.

A Statement of Community Involvement supported the application which resulted from a consultation process with both the public and stakeholders, whereby the principle of the development was supported overall.

Key challenges including the loss of the community facility, and the impact on the setting of a statutory listed building were overcome through collaborative working with the council and the supporting Consultant Statements submitted by Warner Planning as part of the application.

The application was recommended for approval at Committee by the Planning Officer subject to conditions and a S106 agreement.

In December 2021 the application was approved by Woking Borough Council. 

Image courtesy of: On Architecture

Claremont Avenue

Case Studies


Woking, Surrey

Local Authority:
Woking Borough Council

Project Overview

A planning application submitted for erection of a part four storey, part three storey building, including accommodation in the roof space, comprising 9x self-contained flats and associated access, parking, landscaping, bin and cycle storage following demolition of existing building.

Warner Planning submitted a planning application to Woking Borough Council to demolish an existing two storey detached building in Woking with previous Class E use and erect a part four-storey, part three-storey residential building comprising of nine self-contained flats.

Warner Planning worked collaboratively with the Council to overcome the key challenges relating to a Tree Preservation Order, and the change of use. Both the principle of residential development and the replacement of trees on site were considered acceptable.

The application was recommended for approval by Officers and was presented and debated at the Planning Committee in where it was approved by Members of Committee in January 2022 subject to a Section 106 agreement


Leigh Street

Case Studies


High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Local Authority:
Wycombe District Council (Now Buckinghamshire Council)

Project Overview

A Planning application submitted for the redevelopment of a brownfield site, within a conservation area for 228 dwellings.

The site is located in a sensitive location in High Wycombe between a diverse residential area and a lively local shopping district. It comprised a group of commercial buildings, some of which have been vacant for over 25 years, these included the locally listed Birch House which is remembered as the first ‘G Plan’ furniture factory in High Wycombe. This was to be retained as a significant heritage asset and inspired the architecture of the new build elements.

Simon Warner submitted and managed planning application for Leigh Street High Wycombe. Working closely with the client, consultant team and Local Planning Authority to ensure that the project was progressed in a timely manner to ensure that the clients and Council’s deadlines were met. This included ensuring that the respective technical reports coordinated to result in a clear development form balancing a number of constraints.

Through teamwork and taking a balanced approach, we were able to secure consent for the scheme within ten months of appointment. We developed a strong working relationships with the Council and the project team to ensure that the project was progressed efficiently and effectively.


Patchetts Green

Case Studies


Patchetts Green, Hertfordshire

Local Authority:

Project Overview

A planning application to construct two detached dwellings with integral garages, surface car parking and gardens, on a vacant parcel of land at The Ridings residential development at Patchetts Green