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Introduction to Warner Planning

Introduction to Warner Planning

Welcome to the Warner Planning site. In our first blog we wanted to introduce ourselves and give you the chance to get to know us a little better.

Best to start with what we do.

In a nutshell, we are planning consultants. We support developers, landowners, and domestic clients across Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire (Home Counties) and the UK. We help our clients navigate the ever-changing and complicated planning system to make sure they can achieve the best possible outcome for their project, whether it be residential or commercial.

Our approach is to provide transparent, honest and efficient advice at every stage of the process. With our technical knowledge and experience, we work to solve your planning problems. Above everything, our aim is to provide our clients with clear, professional and honest advice.

So, what do planning consultants help with?

In the world of planning, there are a number of areas where we can help our clients. Here is a quick breakdown of the areas that we specialise in.

  • Planning Application Consultancy
  • Planning Appraisals and Advice
  • Discharge of conditions
  • Initial Advice and Pre-Application Submissions
  • Strategic Development Planning and Plans
  • Permitted Development
  • Community Infrastructure Levy/Section 106 Agreements and other Obligations
  • Appeals

Simon Warner
Managing Director

Simon has over 15 years experience in the planning industry and at the beginning of 2020, he decided to start his own consultancy, which is where we were born!

Believe it or not though, prior to becoming a Town Planner, Simon had aspirations to be a weatherman. He even auditioned at the BBC!

Michael Aronson 
Town Planner

Our newest member of the Warner Planning team, Michael is a Town Planner.

When he isn’t helping our clients with their projects, Michael enjoys travelling when he can. His favourite experience so far is a four day hike in the mountains to Macchu Picchu in Peru. He is the fourth boy in a family with five brothers. His favourite subject at school was geography, and he now has a collection of globes, maps and atlases.

Michael’s most unusual job was issuing and collecting fines from people falsely claiming free prescriptions and sight tests from the NHS.

He’s assured us that he much prefers life as a Town Planner! 😊

Catrin Davies
Assistant Planner

Catrin has been with us for 7 months as an Assistant Planner. Catrin works on all aspects of planning, ranging from listed buildings, certificates of lawfulness and strategic planning, all the way through to residential and commercial developments. She advises clients on the planning process from start to finish whilst conducting all of the necessary appraisals, reports and applications in between.

Aside from work, Catrin enjoys Cooking, Walks, Socialising (when allowed).

When I set the business up back in Feb 2020, I didn't think that after 5 years we would have a team of six. It's been great to see the business grow and bring new people into the business. Long may it continue!

How to get in touch…

If you are looking for advice on a project that you have started or are looking to start, let’s have a chat. We’d be happy to help.

All of our contact details are below👇🏼

T:01908 592580
E: [email protected]

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